About Me

My name is Sarah, I’m 28 years old and I live in Louisville, Kentucky which is sort of a big city but I live in the suburbs so it doesn’t seem that way. I graduated from college in 2004 and hold two Bachelor of Arts degrees…English and Art History. But once my lifestyle changed, so did my interests.

I was pursuing a third degree in Public Health Education while working a full-time job but it turned out to be more than I felt I could handle at the time and the courses just weren’t lining up with my interests. I was also toying with the idea of being a personal trainer but at this point I’m just living life and waiting for the right opportunity to come along. I’m still working on finding my true passion and hoping my career will follow one day.


I’ve been married to my wonderful husband Josh since 2005 and we have been together since 1999. In 2008, we adopted a Beagle-Basset hound mix named Suzie who is the love of our lives.


Our favorite things to do together are trying out new restaurants (which cater to both vegans and omnivores), watching UFC pay per views, movie nights at home, hanging out with our wonderful friends and rocking out at concerts! We have a lot not in common too, but we respect each other’s differences and continue to grow together as a couple.

We attend a really great Christian church here in Louisville and have been blessed to make the connections we have with the people there and to be involved in the ministries we have been called to. We are constantly working toward renewing our spirits and our relationships with each other and with God, which our church has played a big part in.

Courtney & me before a Goo Goo Dolls show (raining)

 My best friend Courtney and I are like sisters separated at birth, you will hear her mentioned on the blog a lot. My long lost sister and I are sure to get in plenty of girl-time including our Wednesday night potluck dinners, a tradition started years ago. Just about whatever we do, shenanigans always occur, we are just that lucky! She’s also my go-to fashion/style girl because she really knows her stuff and I am apparently clueless! Above everything though, Courtney is a very supportive friend and is always up for trying new things and new places with me.

See Sarah Eat

I started this blog on May 16, 2008 to hold myself accountable to daily healthy eating and exercise in order to maintain a 70 lb weight loss that began in January 2007. In the process, I have found an amazing community of fellow bloggers with whom I have shared recipes, product reviews, meal ideas, and so much more.

Image Source

As far as my diet, in October 2009, I decided to give vegan eating (no meat, dairy, eggs, etc.) a try after being vegetarian off and on for a year or so. It didn’t take long for me to realize that this was a lifelong change as I have never been healthier, happier or more peaceful. Although I initially “went vegan” for health reasons, I have taken it upon myself to become more educated on the issues involving animal cruelty and the environment. I think it is important that we treat our bodies as temples, that we are kind to others (including animals), and that we take care of this beautiful Earth that God created. So being vegan just makes sense for me. And the food is really, really good too! 🙂

I enjoy cooking and can follow just about any recipe from a cookbook or that I find online. But I’m not one to post very many original recipes. That’s something I look forward to doing more of in the future when I find more of my own style in the kitchen!

Some of my favorite foods are:

  • Oatmeal
  • Peanut butter (could not live without it)
  • Beans, beans, and more beans!
  • Dark chocolate (the real kind)
  • Veggies!
  • Tofu 🙂
  • Bananas (B-A-N-A-N-A-S, haha)
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Herbal teas (I love trying new flavors and also the health benefits are astounding)
  • Coffee (antioxidants and I can drink it black)
  • Yogurt (non-dairy and plain or vanilla for lower sugar)
  • Smoothies (especially in the summer time) – Have you tried a Green Monster yet?
  • Larabars

And of course, during the Fall, I am all about some pumpkin!


I became a runner in September 2007, when I took my first strides, going only 2 minutes at a time. I completed a 5k, 10k, 10-miler and half-marathon in the Spring of 2008 with pretty decent times. After the half-marathon, I was a little sore and burned out from the intense training so I took a break. For two years after that, I stuck with shorter distance racing and attempted half marathons but did a lot of walking, the running just wasn’t coming together for me.

But in early Fall 2010, I felt that connection come back and I have been taking advantage ever since. Sometimes you just have to wait for your mojo to come back. And when it does, don’t hesitate! I have been enjoying both short and medium distance racing and I plan to run a marathon sometime in the near future. To follow my journey and read my racing recaps, check out my fitness blog River City Fitness!

Aside from running, my other favorite activities are weight training, volleyball and yoga. And there’s nothing quite like a nice long walk, especially when the weather is nice!

Thanks for reading more about me! Don’t be a stranger. 🙂

  1. Hey Sarah!

    I see that you’re a fan of Greek yogurt – including Oikos! I’d love to send you some free coupons so that maybe you can try out some other flavors of it if you haven’t tried them all yet. If you’re interested just shoot me an email at Kdrociak@stonyfield.com and let me know where to send them.

    Have a great weekend!

    Stonyfield Farm

  2. Hi Sarah! Great blog! Congrats on your weight loss, and I love your list of favorite foods 🙂

  3. nikislosingit

    Lots of comments from me today! Glad to have found you! I’m just about to my goal weight and about to start the maintaining journey, so I appreciate your blog. I also spent a few years living in KY (2 in Lex, 1 in Louisville) while my husband was going to Bible College (Boyce College in Louisville), but now live on the West Coast of Canada! YAY Kentucky!

  4. Hey Sarah,

    I just found your blog, it looks great, can’t wait to read more! I see that you live in KY, I’m in TN, so yay for southern girls who eat right!

  5. Hi Sarah – I came across your blog today – you’re such an inspiration! I plan to be at my healthy weight within the next year and was my highest at 225. I love the “Crap Free Lifestyle” and have been trying to do that for myself too!

    Congrats on all your successes! I look forward to reading along 🙂

  6. Hi Sarah! I thought I would say hi since we are Twitter buddies now 🙂 I don’t think I have ever stopped by! 70 lbs is amazing, and your 10miler and half give me hope that I can work up my distance!

  7. balancejoyanddelicias

    hey~ just found your blog and like a lot what I read so far! 😀

  8. hi sara, just came across your blog. Love your outlook and am having fun getting to know you through your posts!! have a great weekend

  9. Hey Sarah,
    I’m from Louisville too! I’m kinda new to the blogging world, but I’m having fun with it. One great thing about the town we live in (when it comes to food anyways) is the amazing restaurant selection! I moved up to Indianapolis for about 2 years and couldn’t stand that every single restaurant was a chain (little exaggeration of course), and I had to move back.

    I like to run in the Derby Minis too. See you there next Spring!

  10. I just came across your blog today! Love it!! My husband grew up in Louisville, and his parents still live there so we are there often (living in Wisconsin now). Actually, we are running the Louisville Half Marathon on Oct. 18th. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the city…great people, great restaurants, lots going on, etc. We hope to move back there one day. Anyway, just wanted to say I am excited about your blog…have a great day!!

    Lara 🙂

  11. Hey! We have such similar stories – although I’m almost 33 and not married and don’t have a dog. I go to Sojourn in Germantown. Ran the 5k and the mini last year – planning on doing the Triple Crown this year. I’ve done other races, but like you, get burnt out. I mix up my exercising like I mix up my eating! Keeps me from getting bored! I love restaurants in the ville too! and movies at home!

    • I’m so glad I found you! I actually think I know someone who goes to Sojourn but I will have to ask my husband to be sure (because I can’t remember who it is). It’s amazing that I not only found another blogger in Louisville, but a healthy, running, Christian woman…PTL! Can’t wait to talk with you more 🙂

  12. You have such an awesome, inspiring story Sarah 🙂 We love UFC too! It’s so gory and I love it!

  13. Well done on the weight-loss.

    I am not a vegan (love my meat, fish & eggs), but I agree with you on other parts of your diet. I try to eat as much fresh fruit, veg, nuts, seeds as possible, and I too have given up milk & other dairy (other than my Saturday night treat – cup of tea with milk in it!) and eat as little processed food as possible.

    I started on this type of diet about 3 or 4 months ago and feel much healthier. I also have the energy to get up early and work out most days.

    I’m logging my journey at: http://jonnygetsfit.wordpress.com/

    Look it up if you like – I’ll certainly keep an eye on your progress.

  14. Hey Sarah, I love Louisville! We have tons of the same favorite foods. Coffee and Larabars are all I need to survive 🙂

  15. I just saw that Ellen follows you. Holy cow, that is so cool. Have you been on her show?

  16. Hi Sarah! =)
    I think it’s great that you’re using a blog to hold yourself accountable on the way you eat. And congrats on trying out veganism! I’m new to it too, been a vegan for almost half a year, and it’s been fantastic! I’m quite the advocate for a crap-free diet as well! If you’re ever interested, visit my website (actually called the No Crap Diet) which is filled with tips, information and recipes on healthy eating. And by all means, you can add your own recipes too!
    You’re a very interesting person, so I plan on following you online. =)
    …Thank god there’s Peanut Butter in the world!!

  17. Hi Sarah! I stumbled onto your blog through Healthy Tipping Point. What you’ve done with the weight loss, vegan eating, running, etc. is really inspiring! Keep up the great work!

  18. Hey! I love your story – so inspirational! I’m interested to hear your experiences in public health education. That’s such a great field. I’m looking forward to reading more! BTW, Suzie is sooo cute!

  19. I stumbled upon your blog and enjoyed reading your story 🙂

    I look forward to reading some more!

  20. Hey there – I found your blog the other day -and I could have TOTALLY written so much of it about myself-I love finding inspiration through others stories & blogs and I LOVE food blogging!!! I am 90% vegan – no meat – but do consume dairy OUT TO EAT about 10% of my diet.
    I started my own “journey” blog to track my eating, losing, LIVING!!! http://downtheveggieroad.blogspot.com/
    and so far I am NOT BRAVE enough to post my pictures 😦
    I appreciate you sharing your own story with all of us!!!
    and look forward to seeing more of everyones journey and I am also “keeping the faith” love your blog banner – I know I couldn’t do anything without GOD!!

  21. Hello Sarah,
    I came across your site recently and would like to introduce you to Peeled Snacks. Peeled Snacks are yummy dried fruit treats, perfect for the vegan diet and women on the go.
    Our yummy, healthy snacks are:
    – organic and all-natural juicy dried fruit
    – single-serving (120 to 150 calories) portions
    – No sugar added
    – No artificial colors or flavors
    – Natural source of fiber, vitamins and iron
    – Gluten free

    I’d be delighted to send you samples for a product review. Just reply with an address.

    Happy Snacking!

  22. sarah –
    you are so awesome! i love to read about other girls who lost weight and turned into kickass athletes.

    and i love your “crap free” eating description. no label necessary!
    – rebekah

  23. Hi Sarah!

    I love the picture of you and your friend. You look so happy! Beautiful smile.

    Your dog is adorable! It must feel great when you have someone to love with your husband (no jealousy!). We are thinking about getting a hamster or bunny… haha sort of like preparing for children. 🙂

    – Christina

  24. Thanks for commenting on my blog! Awesome to find another Louisville blogger! I’m running the full marathon in a couple of weeks when you’re running the mini. Great job on the 10 miler the other day! Can’t wait to keep reading!

  25. Hi Sarah! I just found your blog and I’m already hooked 🙂 I think your decisions are incredibly commendable – balanced, focused, and totally attainable. Can’t wait to keep reading 🙂

  26. Hey, Sarah – I found your blog through HLB, I’m from Louisville too! I’m so excited to find another blogger in town, I assume we are few and far between! I love your blog and can’t wait to read more!

  27. Sarah,

    A few Kentucky food bloggers are putting a group together to be able to connect with each other on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/home.php?sk=group_154501454604863&ap=1. Feel free to join!

    Eventually, we’ll have a fan page for all of us (with links to our blogs), but we’re just trying to get the group together now to see who is interested and to touch base with each other. We’d love to have you!

  28. When I was 18 years old, I went to IUB to study english and history and my greatest dream was to live in Louisville (two hours from my hometown). I didn’t end up with those degrees and never lived in Louisville, but I find it crazy how similar that sounds to your life! 🙂 Small world.

  29. Hi Sarah,

    Your first post just appeared on Urbanspoon! Check it out:

    I encourage you to claim your blog, which allows you to add a picture and change some settings. The blog photo shows up next to your posts wherever they appear on Urbanspoon. Here’s how to claim:

    – Make sure you’re logged into Urbanspoon

    – Go to your blog page on our site: http://www.urbanspoon.com/br/51/4557/Louisville/See-Sarah-Eat.html

    – Click “Claim your blog” in the left sidebar

    After you submit it, we may contact you to verify your claim. Check your spam email folder if your claim hasn’t gone through in a day or two. You’ll also find some interesting badges and widgets on your Urbanspoon blog page – look in the right sidebar.

    Let me know if you have any questions.



  30. Hi Sarah,

    We received a request from Urbanspoon user “Sarah F.” claiming that they are the author of See Sarah Eat. It sounds like you, but I’m writing to verify that this is the case and that you want to allow Sarah F. to manage your blog on Urbanspoon.

    You can visit the Urbanspoon page for See Sarah Eat here:

    Please reply and let me know whether or not we should approve this claim.


  31. Sarah,

    I’ve enjoyed reading through your blog this morning!

    We have a new coffee roasting company, Argo Sons Coffee, here in Louisville. The Anchorage Cafe (http://theanchoragecafe.com/ | 11505 Park Road) is serving our coffee. They have a pretty tasty oatmeal offering, or if you come in for lunch they have a lot of great options. I’d love to hear your feedback. Tell them I sent you!


  32. Hey girl! I would love to chat with you about FitFluential but couldn’t find your email address. Email me!: )

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