Monthly Archives: May 2008


So I didn’t do quite as well as I had hoped but at least I went out there and got a nice workout this morning. Plus it gave me motivation to get back into running regularly. I’m still not going to train like I did for the mini for a while, several months even, but I’d like to keep running at least 1-2 days a week for short distances just to keep it up.

After the race, I ate a nice apple (medium, about 70 cals, not pictured) and then walked down to Starbucks with my mom and got a grande decaf iced nonfat latte (90 cals – it’s a mouthful) which I didn’t finish until after I got home:

Once I cooled down and got refreshed, I felt hungry, so I had a kashi bar and a couple dried plums (170 cals total):

Good morning!

I am up bright and early today because I am running in a 5K this morning, my first one since the mini-marathon over a month ago. I am not nervous as I usually am, I’m just looking forward to a good workout.

For breakfast, I had blueberry pancakes with blueberries and sugar free syrup on top and a nice cup of chocolate soymilk (I’ve almost finished off the carton). About 468 calories:

I will be back later to update you all on my food for the rest of the day and what time I finished. I’m hoping to come in under my previous 5K time which was 30:40. So here goes!

Friday wrap-up

I ended up going for a really good run after work. It was on the treadmill but I was able to do intervals for 30 minutes, so I really enjoyed it and broke a really good sweat!

When I got home, I felt hungry and knew it would be a while before I had dinner so I had two small pieces of french bread, one with cinnamon raisin peanut butter and the other with nutella. And a cup of chocolate soymilk:

For dinner, I went to BD’s Mongolian Grill with some friends and I got tofu and tons of veggies stir fried in teriyaki sauce and just a little bit of brown rice (no pic). Afterwards, we went to Barnes and Noble (we were supposed to see SATC, but it was all sold out!) and I got a hot green tea and a rice krispie treat from the cafe.

Then when I got home I enjoyed some Edy’s ‘light’ cookie dough ice cream 🙂

I heart Stonyfield!

I made a special trip to Whole Foods last night and got some yogurt while I was there. One was from my favorite brand, Stonyfield Farm, and it’s lowfat Maple Vanilla! I just ate it and it’s fantastic.


Later on this afternoon, I had a 100-calorie mini-bag of popcorn and a diet dr. pepper. It’s weird, I don’t even drink soft drinks anymore, nor do I miss them, but occasionally for some reason, I have like one a month if that. I think it was boredom and tiredness that caused it today.

Yesterday’s lunch today

I remembered to bring my veggie burger today, thank heavens! I was most of the way through my salad when I realized I hadn’t taken a picture, so thank goodness I remembered (I’ll post it later):

Boca Original Vegan burger w/ veggie swiss cheese, spicy mustard, spinach leaves and tomato on a whole wheat English muffin; salad – romaine, spinach, carrots, tomato, cucumber, green pepper, Annie’s Naturals Lowfat Honey Mustard Vinaigrette dressing (soooo good!); 1 small plum.

About 325 calories.

I went for a nice long hour walk, I wanted to get that in before it got too hot and humid (it’s supposed to be 90 here today, wow)! So I feel pretty good now. I’m hoping to still hit the gym after work though, either for a short run or the elliptical trainer.

Morning snack

I had been trying to cut back on snacks lately to keep my calories under control but I can tell that by doing that it actually makes me ‘graze’ at night time which is the worst. So I made sure to bring plenty of snacks to work with me today.

Kashi trail mix granola bar and a small peach (170 cals)


I think I am all caught up finally on here. You will notice that a few days are missing; I didn’t have room on my camera to take pics but I did write everything down that I ate, so I haven’t completely lost focus.

For breakfast today, I had a cup of Kashi cereal with a sliced banana and a cup of skim milk, and a scrambled egg (405 cals).

When I got to work, I had a mug of decaf coffee with a tablespoon of creamer (45 cals-oops no pic).

Random weekend pics

This one was just too good to leave off. I believe it was my breakfast either Saturday or Sunday…blueberry pancakes with sugar free syrup, strawberries and blueberries:

I can’t remember when I ate this either (I need to get back on track) but it was an interesting concoction…tuna with brown rice and carrots!

As luck would have it…

I left my veggie burger patty at home in the freezer today! I was really bummed…I ended up eating my english muffin plain (toasted) and my veggie salad and honeydew balls.

But then I had a bright idea. I was low on milk for the day, so I walked down to Starbuck’s and got a grande iced nonfat decaf latte (90 cals)! It was so good and the perfect treat for hoofin’ it down there in this heat. I ended up getting almost an hour walk in.

So, some things left at home work out for the better!

So far behind!

How does that happen? I have a camera full of pictures for a few days last week and I’m not sure where they end but I know my camera memory got full really fast (I don’t have a memory card) so a lot will be missing.

And I won’t bore you with today since I have no pictures to show for it! 😦

I’ll be back soon though, I promise! I think I just need to leave the weekends off, I’m not able to use a computer much because I’m out running around everywhere. But at least Monday thru Friday I should be able to post on here with some good pictures right?