Category Archives: soymilk

Sleepy Saturday

Well, I think we can almost officially call this Fall now! The leaves are turning, the weather is cooler (at least in the morning and evening hours), Starbucks have Pumpkin Spice lattes back…IT IS FALL!!

I’m so excited because I think this is becoming my favorite time of year. Unfortunately, I’m not a big fan of winter but perhaps I can be creative this year and find a way to enjoy that season more too 😉

So, where to begin! Oh yeah, let’s start with how Friday went down…

Breakfast was plain oat bran with banana and almond butter. The jar is almost empty so you know what that means…oats in a jar soon!

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Then mid morning I snacked on more banana and PB after a 15 minute walk (this was half, the banana from this morning was huge):

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For lunch, I had one of my favorite vegan convenience meals!

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I don’t want to become dependent on these but it got me through this time 😉

YUM! Just as good the second time around…

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After lunch digested, I went to the gym for a 40 minute treadmill workout with Farrah. We did walking and running intervals until we reached 3 miles…went something like this – 5 min walking warm up (2.5 mph), Run 5 minutes (5.5 mph), Walk 2.5 minutes (3.8 mph) – repeat run/walk sequence 4 times – cool down walking for 5 minutes. In the run sequences I did 6.0 for the last minute a few times.

It was awesome! I felt like I could’ve pushed it more but I didn’t because I want to honor my body and not reach those limits as I’m not a competitive athlete or anything. My body thanked me by not being sore and I wasn’t too tired either.

Snacks were some REAL dark chocolate (no milkfat in this piece):

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Some almonds…

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For dinner, I convinced Josh to go to Shalimar, a really great Indian restaurant here in town. I ordered what I’ve seen Gina eat several times…Baingan Bartha!


I had mine over some rice with garlic naan on the side. I think this dish was vegan, no? It was just peas, eggplant and sauce I think. Geez, it was so good. I ate most of it, but not all.


Even though I felt pregnant (with a food baby) for the next couple of hours, I still managed to eat a serving of ice cream (not vegan trying to use it up):

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Then we watched a couple of bad movies (The Mummy Dragon Emperor something or other, dumb and Valkyrie which wasn’t too bad actually) and I snacked on two sheets of graham crackers (these need to leave my house like now) and a couple of marshmallows.

Then I had some tea and went to bed 🙂 Zzzzz…


Hello Saturday!

For breakfast, I had two very non-vegan Eggo waffles with PB and banana. I decided to have fun and make a waffle-wich!

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On a Pokemon plate no less. Haha. Close up of the yummy goodness…

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On the way to meet my mom for a nice walk at the park with Suzie, I grabbed a tall soy latte from the ‘Bucks. It was tasty…I think there soy latte feels like a treat even though it’s fairly low in calories! I resisted the pumpkin spice latte for now 😉

At the park, we walked around the track twice which is about 2.4 miles, plus walking to and from the car, we got a good workout in! So did my silly dog.

For lunch, we went to Mimi’s Cafe, which is easily my favorite restaurant. While perusing the menu though, I couldn’t help but think how hard it would be for a vegan to eat there.

I ended up getting the veggie burger with fresh fruit. I only used half the bun as it was huge and not even close to whole grain.


This was pretty good and definitely filled me up. But I can’t eat veggie burgers all the time…

I think I might write to the company…not to complain, but just to find out their suggestions for vegan menu options. Other that a garden salad with no dressing…that’s what I’m finding on the websites out there – that’s not a meal!

I also had some delicious unsweetened raspberry tea 🙂


Before I went grocery shopping, I popped a piece of real dark chocolate. Now that I am back home, I’m thinking it is time for a nap. I’m going out with some girls to Ramsi’s tonight…I see falafel in my future…and it is beautious!

Have a great day friends!

First Friday

This is the first Friday I have worked since the end of June! So let’s just say, I wish I was off today, haha 😉

I woke up this morning quite hungry, perhaps because I slept in 45 minutes later than normal from staying up later last night. So I knew some protein was in order, I love my new egg poacher!

I wasn’t in the mood for toast or bagels, but I wanted some carbs, so I had a bowl of Kashi Heart to Heart cereal with light vanilla soymilk (8th continent ROCKS!):

I definitely want to get a workout in today but I am not sure just what yet. It is going to be so nice outside today that I would really like to take a walk but I also wanted to get in some ab work…hmm…

Happy Friday!

End of a great weekend

I’m always sad to see the weekend end, but this one was particularly fun, so it’s even worse. But I do like to start a new week fresh, so it’s not completely upsetting. I had a great time hanging out with friends, playing Rock Band, swimming and lounging by the pool and also getting some much needed housework done. This week is going to be all packing, all the time, so I should stay pretty busy.

When I got home, I was so excited to make myself dinner. I haven’t actually made a whole dinner in a long time but my husband was out playing frisbee golf last night, so I was on my own. I made a turkey burger (using 93% fat free ground turkey) and topped it with veggie cheese, tomato, onion and served it on a whole wheat English muffin (which have become my favorite ‘buns’) with organic yellow mustard. I also had 1/2 a sweet potato with spray butter and cinnamon and a small spinach and red leaf salad with 1 tbsp Annie’s light honey mustard vinaigrette.
I couldn’t fit it all on one plate, so here is the first course, the salad:

And now the amazing burger and potato (ignore the newspaper and packing tape, haha)!

I ate dinner pretty late, but before bed I wanted a snack and also knew I was low on my calcium intake for the day, so I decided to drink a glass of soymilk, which I had never really done before so I went in cautious. But even though it was different, it still tasted good. I also had 2 Kashi oatmeal dark chocolate cookies to dunk in it, the best (only one pictured, I went back for seconds)!

All in all, a great day 🙂

Friday wrap-up

I ended up going for a really good run after work. It was on the treadmill but I was able to do intervals for 30 minutes, so I really enjoyed it and broke a really good sweat!

When I got home, I felt hungry and knew it would be a while before I had dinner so I had two small pieces of french bread, one with cinnamon raisin peanut butter and the other with nutella. And a cup of chocolate soymilk:

For dinner, I went to BD’s Mongolian Grill with some friends and I got tofu and tons of veggies stir fried in teriyaki sauce and just a little bit of brown rice (no pic). Afterwards, we went to Barnes and Noble (we were supposed to see SATC, but it was all sold out!) and I got a hot green tea and a rice krispie treat from the cafe.

Then when I got home I enjoyed some Edy’s ‘light’ cookie dough ice cream 🙂