Monthly Archives: January 2010

I love bread

Before I headed out for my errands, I ate some lunch. Behold, finally, some good natural light in my kitchen!


Lunch was leftover refried bean cakes with some mixed veggies, pita & hummus, and a pickle.  I love throwing lunches like this together, you get a little taste of everything šŸ™‚

When I went grocery shopping today, I came across some bread, so I decided it would go well with my dinner šŸ™‚


I love that this bread has real chunks of garlic in it and not that nasty buttery garlic spread.


I love bread. I love carbs. Iā€™ve gone back and forth on here about how much I need or whether certain ones are good or bad.

But the bottom line is, I love them, I need them, therefore Iā€™m going to eat them. But I still need to maintain some control! So I cut off my one pieceā€¦


And then put the rest in a freezer bag to save for later!


It also helped that I got garlic bread, so Iā€™m not tempted to get out a piece and spread peanut butter on it, ha ha!

For dinner, I made spaghetti and topped it with some light Ragu sauce (tomato basil) and kidney beans for some protein.


For once, I actually measured out the right portion of spaghetti (which equals 1 cup cooked). I took what I would normally get out of the box and then cut that in half!

Weā€™re getting ready to watch ā€œHalloween 2ā€ which seems weird for this time of year. We watched ā€œSaw VIā€ last night, which was okay but itā€™s like they keep upping the ick factor instead of making the story more interesting.

But it was okay. Weā€™ll see about this next one!

Seen any good movies lately?

Snow, waffles, ambience

We got a few inches of snow overnight and into this morning. I had a fun walk with Suzie!


Last night when we were waiting for it to start snowing (we stayed home and cozy), I had decided to make waffles in the morning!

My parents tried this mix recently and didnā€™t like it. I was bummed for them, but it worked out for me. šŸ™‚


I used 3/4 cup of the mix and then added 1/2 cup soy milk, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup applesauce (for the egg) and 1/4 cup pumpkin (for the oil and flavor).

Plus some pumpkin pie spice, I almost forgot that!


The batch made about 5.5 waffles, so I had two drizzled with peanut butter and syrup and topped with a lovely banana.



Coffee was a must have, especially after my frigid trek outside (itā€™s in the single digits with the wind chill right now).


Just French vanilla coffee and soymilk. The way I like it šŸ™‚

Right now, Iā€™m listening to the ā€œNew Age Ambientā€ station on Pandora and thinking of doing some yoga on my own. Itā€™s quite relaxing, I like to listen to it at work too.

Eventually Iā€™m going to have to venture out for a while to my momā€™s and the grocery store. But Iā€™m taking my sweet time!

What are your plans for the day?

Green soup and stir fry madness

Yesterday for breakfast, I bulked up my oatmeal!


I used 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup plain soymilk, 1/4 cup of water. Then I added a tbsp of flaxseed meal, and my usual bananas and PB. This definitely kept me full for a while!

For lunch, I tried another new soup for me. I remember the days when I thought split pea soup was just what they used for The Exorcist!


It was quite green!


While it wasnā€™t my preferred consistency of split pea soup, it had a very unique taste to others I have tried.

It was kind of ā€œpepperyā€ and even a bit on the spicy side. I really enjoyed it. Whole wheat English muffin on the side.


I was planning on making baked tofu for dinner but then I remembered the tasty stir fry I made last week and all of the ones Mari has been enjoying lately.

So stir fry it was!

I started with the tofu this time, pressing out the water and browning it a bit.


Then I added this entire bag of veggies.



Then I poured a tablespoon of each of these into the skillet.


It was an interesting combination for sure, but it came out great! Sweet, hot and salty? Yes, please.


The veggies were good, I love asparagus and squash. I almost got a different bag but Iā€™m so glad I went with this one.

Pita on the side with some Smart Balance Light. Perfect dinner!


Iā€™m going to have to take a page out of Mariā€™s book next time and add some peanut butter!

Vegan brownies for dessert of course šŸ™‚


I canā€™t wait to make more recipes out of My Sweet Veganā€¦perhaps later today?

Even if no one reads…

My best friend Courtney recently started a new blog and I hope she doesnā€™t mind me mentioning it here. But it has really inspired me.

Itā€™s called ā€œEven if it doesnā€™t payā€¦ā€ and she discusses a lot of things going on in her life but mostly how all of this has inspired her to start writing againā€¦even if it doesnā€™t pay. Sheā€™s very talented!

It got me thinking about my own blogging and how I have days where I think absolutely no one cares about or reads my blogs. I even feel silly sometimes putting all this out there.

But I know thatā€™s not true. Sometimes itā€™s hard though, to see how well others blogs are doing and how even though I have been blogging for almost 2 years now, mine just hasnā€™t taken off the way Iā€™d hoped it would.

But this brought me back down to Earth. Numbers of page hits, readers, and stats are not why I blog. I blog because I love it!

I blog about food because I love to cook and eat, especially now that I have a healthy relationship with food again. Especially now that Iā€™m vegan!

I love to blog about exercise because I love it! I love to run, I love to sweat, and I love the Zen that comes from practicing yoga.

I love the way my body, mind and spirit feel because of the way I live now.

And I love all of you who stop by, leave me sweet comments, and make me feel like what I do matters to someone other than myself.

So, in the spirit of my dear friend, Iā€™m going to keep it up, with a positive focus, and have fun.

Even if no one reads it.


Unexpected 2 miles

I surprised myself again yesterday.

018 (2)

It is always an interesting experience when you try to talk down a workout or not expect much from yourself and then you end up exceeding those expectations. Itā€™s quite a feeling!

Since I did yoga on Thursday, I had it on my mind to do some cardio on Friday.

Technically, I needed to do a 2 mile run since I switched my cross-training day and also because of snow, it was highly unlikely that Iā€™d run on Saturday.

But as the day went on, I started to think the treadmills would be full, so Iā€™d better prepare for the elliptical. Or perhaps Iā€™d take it easy and do the bike and read someā€¦blah blah blah.

When I got to the gym, ALL the treadmills were EMPTY! This never happens.

There are only five and usually they are occupied, even on a Friday afternoon with snow in the forecast. Iā€™ve actually been at the gym before when we closed early for inclement weather.

Today must have just been my day. So I jumped on, warmed up and started my jog toward 2 miles. I jogged for about 5 minutes and then did a few intervals – 3 minutes easy then 2 minutes at a challenging speed.

Hereā€™s how I finished –

Distance: 2 miles

Time: 20:07

Pace: 10:03.5/mile

While I have certainly ran outside faster than that, for the treadmill this was awesome.

I also did a few sprints here and there, at one point, I managed to get the treadmill up to 8.0 mph! Usually at 7.0 or 7.5, Iā€™m grabbing for the hand rails but I managed to swing my arms and keep up for a minute!

Though I usually donā€™t like to set race goals because they intimidate me, I have a feeling that sometime this year I will smoke my 5K PR of 29:28.

Since Iā€™m doing several 5Ks this Spring, Iā€™m not going to pick which one it will happen at, ha ha.

Have you surprised yourself during a work out recently? How did it make you feel?

Camera vs. Blackberry

This morning for breakfast, I tried the teeny tiny GoodBelly shot.


Itā€™s always good to start the day off with a smile šŸ™‚


I liked the flavor of this one but not quite as much as the mango. I also kind of wanted more so I donā€™t know that this size is good for me ā€“ I think Iā€™ll pour two in a cup next time šŸ˜‰

I also had an English muffin with natural PB to round it out.


Mid-morning, I had a banana.

Here it is: the first official Blackberry photo!

I canā€™t tell the difference, can you? Actually, I think it might even be better.


For lunch, I had leftover chickpeas, green beans and a pita. I actually got hungry before 11 this morning, which bothered me at first but Iā€™ve learned that our bodies do things for a reason so I ate a little early today.

This lunch was not quite filling enough so I had my afternoon snack a little early. But this granola bar was good! Tasted like pancakes (the syrup I guess).


After work, I was headed to a yoga class, but felt quite hungry so I stopped for a snack first.


It wasnā€™t the best but it held me over pretty well. I think I might have to start bulking up my meals again to keep from needing to snack as much.

After my class, I had to head to a meeting at church (busy day!) and I was freezing plus knew it would be a while before I ate again, so I ordered a new drink (for me) at Starbucks!


Itā€™s a soy Awake tea latte. I saw it online when I looked up nutritional info. It was perfect.

I still enjoy the chai latte, but Awake is actually one of my favorite Tazo teas, so I think Iā€™ll be getting this one again soon.

I came home very hungry (again) so I threw together some stuff quickly.


Vegetarian baked beans, green beans, and a piece of toast with Smart Balance light. It hit the spot! I think Iā€™ve officially turned into a green bean now though, ha.

Of course I had to finish it off with another delicious vegan brownie šŸ™‚


Today was a whirlwind but Iā€™m feeling great and that is all that matters. Weā€™re expecting some snow tomorrow so Iā€™m just praying we all get around safely!

Good night all šŸ˜‰

New phone!

Hey guys, itā€™s officialā€¦I finally got a new phone šŸ™‚


On the left is my old slide phone with absolutely nothing to it except making phone calls and text messaging (which didnā€™t know half the words of the English language) and liked to turn itself off randomly.

On the right is my new Blackberry, woo hoo!

It was so worth waiting for. I can do so much more with this new phone, plus itā€™s my favorite color šŸ˜‰

Anyway, letā€™s talk about food, shall we?

I had another Breakfast and Dinner day as far as pictures go.


Pumpkin oats šŸ™‚

Somehow snacks and lunch escaped. But thatā€™s okay. For those of you interested in my fitness program, I had an awesome run yesterday too.

If itā€™s Wednesday, there must be wine!


I could not find Cycles Gladiator on my nifty vegan alcohol website, but honestly, I did not care for it too much so I likely wouldnā€™t buy it myself.

It just didnā€™t have much flavor. Plus Iā€™m more of a red girl.

For dinner, Margie made this DELICIOUS veggie soup which I am very proud to say she got the recipe from one of my favorite vegan blogs Cooking for a Vegan Lover!


Croissants on the side, a la Aleta!

For dessert, we had the awesome vegan brownies.


Another awesome girls night.

I have the main dish next week, so Iā€™m going to have to start looking at recipes!

Do you have a regular girlā€™s night?

I highly recommend them šŸ˜‰

Yoga calling

My training schedule called for a 2 mile run, plus some weights if I felt up to it.

But around lunch time, I really started to feel the need for yoga. Like I was craving it! So I changed days around and made today cross-training aka yoga šŸ™‚

Perhaps it was influenced by the headband I wore today? Ha ha.


So I went after work to a class for newbies but it was a bit more vigorous than that.

I had a few issues to start with: the instructor went a little too fast, the music didnā€™t feel right, plus the small room was really crowded!

But somehow I managed to focus and tried to get the most out of it while I was there.

Even though it wasnā€™t my ā€œidealā€ class, I still felt really great when I left there. Iā€™m so glad I started this yoga challenge 4 weeks ago. I hope to keep it an integral part of my routine for a long time to come.

My question today for you isā€¦what are some of your pet peeves in yoga classes?

Today, I found the instructor to be a little too high energy and unfocused. Plus she kept calling the poses by the wrong names.

But, I donā€™t want to judge too harshly, the class was free and Lord knows I call stuff wrong all the time. Namaste.

Vegan brownies rule

For my contribution to our girlā€™s night potluck, I decided to test out a new cookbook that Court gave me for Christmas.


I love the name, plus the entire cookbook is desserts! Doesnā€™t get much better than that.

I chose to start out with something I thought everyone would likeā€¦brownies!


I laid out all the ingredients, including some substitutions (like applesauce for oil). I also halved the sugar it called for because I know that is easily something to do that saves calories.


Since I used applesauce and didnā€™t have brown sugar, the ā€œcrumb topā€ was more of an ā€œicingā€ but I just went with it.


I thought they turned out great! Everyone remarked that they tasted like fudge and I would have to agree. Nice and chocolatey, not overly sweet, just right.


I love recipe successes! I highly recommend this one, you wonā€™t miss the eggs or dairy, seriously.

What is your favorite cookbook?

Heavy legs

When it was almost time for Farrah and I to go for our 4 mile run today, I didn’t want to. I felt kind of tired and just blah mentally. I even tweeted about it!

But I looked to the positive: the temperature is in the high 30’s and there is suddenly an abundance of sunshine. So at the very least, I can go outside and get some Vitamin D, right? I also felt very thankful for my training partner and friend today šŸ™‚

I knew I was slow when we first started but truthfully, Farrah spent most of our run several feet in front of me. But I just kept chugging along. I never felt like walking or slowing down, my legs just felt “heavy” and didn’t want to move any faster than my pace.

Distance: 4.31 miles

Time: 43:14

Pace: 10:02/mile

Funny how that run felt slow, huh? I’m very pleased with how things turned out. And I’m glad I didn’t let my mental funk talk me out of running today.

If you’ve ever not felt like working out, what did you do to get yourself moving?