Health for the whole family

Yesterday, it was sunny and 70 degrees outside!

I had a dental appointment for a good part of the afternoon, so I did not have a chance to go for a run during the day. When I got home, I had about an hour to spare before dinner with my girlfriends.

But instead of running for me, I decided to take my dog Suzie for a nice long walk 🙂

According to our vet, Suzie weighs about 5 lbs more than she should for a dog of her stature. She also tries to eat everything she finds, which can be really frustrating. She also spends way too much time doing this:

And this…

We’ve been able to regulate her diet pretty well for the most part and have found that she really loves carrots! But since I want Suzie, who is already five years old, to be around for a long, long time to come, I really need to make her “fitness” a priority too.

Yesterday marked the third long walk she has gone on since Saturday. Her normal walks (to do her “business”) take about 15 minutes, while our long walks are for an hour. We are expecting some rain tonight, so I don’t know that we’ll get out there. But I’m hoping for at least one more long walk for Suzie this weekend.

We also joined a dog park, so soon she will get to run around and “socialize” with other dogs!

Now if only I could get my husband out of his chair…

About Sarah Frankel

I am 29 years old and a resident of Louisville, Kentucky. I've been married to my husband Josh for 6 years and we have a 5 year old beagle named Suzie. Four years ago, I changed my eating and exercise habits, dropping 70 pounds and gaining an entirely new life. I took up running in September 2007 and became vegan in October 2009. I am constantly striving to improve my life so that I can live it to the fullest! I hope you will join me on my life journey.

Posted on March 11, 2010, in Walking and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. she is such a cutie!

  2. I love your lil beagle pup… Ours will eat just about anything/everything he sees, too… including trash he spots on our runs/walks!

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