Just another Monday

Oh, the start to another week. It feels good but at the same time I’m getting anxious because my last day of work is Thursday and I won’t be back until the 21st!

Breakfast today was a Thomas whole wheat bagel with light cream cheese, some strawberries, and 1 1/4 cup of chocolate soymilk (I drank some and then filled the glass back up):

My mid-morning snacks were some granola bites and a big red delicious apple but I completely lost the pictures of them, sorry!

I went for a walk to the bank and the mailbox and it was then that I decided there was no way I was going to the gym today, but I still wanted to exercise so I planned for a long walk after lunch.

Lunch was Sunbutter and preserves (aka PB&J almost!) on whole wheat with a banana and some Total 2% cherry Fage, yum!

This has brought me to an unfortunate conclusion. I think I may be lactose intolerant. It seems whenever I eat yogurt, cheese, etc. made from real dairy, I have some side effects that I guess I never contributed to that before. So I’m going to do some more research. It sucks though because this yogurt ruled today!

I went out for my walk, about 30 minutes to the grocery store where I picked up some tofu because they didn’t have the kind I liked at the one near my house. I also stopped at Starbucks for a grande iced decaf SOY latte 😉

I’m about to eat some cashews as a snack while I finish my work for the day. Hope everyone has had a safe and happy Monday!

Since I have no idea who, if anyone, reads this site, please leave a comment if you get a chance. I’m just curious! Thanks 🙂

About Sarah Frankel

I am 29 years old and a resident of Louisville, Kentucky. I've been married to my husband Josh for 6 years and we have a 5 year old beagle named Suzie. Four years ago, I changed my eating and exercise habits, dropping 70 pounds and gaining an entirely new life. I took up running in September 2007 and became vegan in October 2009. I am constantly striving to improve my life so that I can live it to the fullest! I hope you will join me on my life journey.

Posted on June 30, 2008, in Breakfast, coffee, Lunch, milk, products, Snacks, Starbucks. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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