Workout update + contest!

Oh my gosh, you all know how much I heart FAGE, right?! Well, The Hungry Yogini is having a Fage giveaway! You could win an entire month’s supply just by visiting her blog and leaving a comment!

Hurry, hurry, contest ends tomorrow πŸ™‚

Workout update

I decided not to go to the gym today when a co-worker emailed me asking if I’d go for a walk with her. It isn’t the nicest day outside but I feel so isolated at work sometimes that human interaction can be a very good thing. We got a nice 35 minute walk in together and then I walked another 10 minutes or so to pick up some gum from the bookstore. I plan to do some more stuff at home, perhaps some abs and arms and then tomorrow it will be gym first thing in the a.m.

Hope your Monday is treating you well, now go enter that contest!

About Sarah Frankel

I am 29 years old and a resident of Louisville, Kentucky. I've been married to my husband Josh for 6 years and we have a 5 year old beagle named Suzie. Four years ago, I changed my eating and exercise habits, dropping 70 pounds and gaining an entirely new life. I took up running in September 2007 and became vegan in October 2009. I am constantly striving to improve my life so that I can live it to the fullest! I hope you will join me on my life journey.

Posted on April 6, 2009, in exercise and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Just entered! Great contest! Sounds like a nice relaxing walk πŸ™‚

  2. Oh wow, totally awesome!

  3. Sounds like a nice walk πŸ™‚

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