So excited

Happy Friday everyone!

I am so excited about going vegan next month. I have received a ton of support, not just here on the blog, but on Twitter also! You guys are so awesome, you have no idea 🙂

I also learned today about this little thing called Vegan MoFo III that I learned about from Happy Herbivore and Andrea at Care to Eat.


It stands for The Vegan Month of Food. Basically, for an entire month (October), bloggers from all over the country will be doing a vegan challenge and writing about it! I’m excited to be participating and also to have so many vegan blogs to refer to.

Now onto what I ate today…

For breakfast, I had a tasty green monster. This has to help fight off a cold right?


So tasty. I’m so glad they are back in my life. I’m not sure why they went missing in the first place? 😉

On the way to work, Mom offered to buy me a coffee, so I got a soy latte. Aren’t moms the best? I forgot to take a picture though!

I snacked on half a PB sandwich mid morning too. I don’t know what it is but when I get sick with cold like symptoms, my appetite goes up not down. But I’m going with it.


Lunch was another Kashi meal I hadn’t ever tried. They actually have quite a few vegan options it’s just a matter of finding them in the store. Luckily, I stumbled upon this one last time.


It was way better than I expected. I think the white beans were what did it for me. Perhaps if I ever make myself pasta at home again (it’s been a while) I could add them.


I liked how it was lots of veggies and just a little sauce. Sometimes too much sauce can give me heartburn! I would definitely get this one again.

I got hungry a few hours later but had no interest in the snack I brought. I had been drinking hot tea all day (alternating with water) so I was looking for some crunch in my life.


This was good but I think I liked the apple one better. This totally hit the spot though.

Right as I was getting ready to leave work, I actually got hungry again! So I had the yogurt I had snubbed earlier.


I’m so glad I took a rest day. I am feeling a lot better than I did this morning so I’m hoping an early bed time will help even more.

For dinner, we went to Taco Bell. As I mentioned in my last post, Josh was surprised because I never want to go there. I ordered two of the vegan options off the menu that I’d read about earlier.


Fresco Bean Burrito (beans, pico de gallo-I think, wrapped in a tortilla) and cinnamon twists. This meal was pretty decent especially for fast food.

Josh ate some tacos and burritos and he was happy 🙂

I had one of my favorite snacks tonight too!


We are now watching “Saturday Night Live : The Best of Will Ferrel” which I  had forgotten how funny that was. Once it’s over, I’m going to bed.

I’ve got an early wake up call to do a walk for the American Heart Association tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, I think we’re going to get rained on but I’m still going to do my best to get down there.

Have a great night and a wonderful tomorrow!

About Sarah Frankel

I am 29 years old and a resident of Louisville, Kentucky. I've been married to my husband Josh for 6 years and we have a 5 year old beagle named Suzie. Four years ago, I changed my eating and exercise habits, dropping 70 pounds and gaining an entirely new life. I took up running in September 2007 and became vegan in October 2009. I am constantly striving to improve my life so that I can live it to the fullest! I hope you will join me on my life journey.

Posted on September 25, 2009, in Breakfast, challenges, Dinner, Lunch, products, restaurants and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. oh clicked over from MrsLC and the vegan challenge is so neat!! I am going to check out the site you mentioned

  2. Hey Chocke! I am soooooo jealous! We went to TB and it smelled funky so we just walked out =(…now I am craving it so badly lol.

  3. ahh good luck with going vegan for a month!!!
    love the pb & chocolate chip combo!

  4. My friend is a lifelong vegetarian, and she remembers as a little kid being really excited to see a Taco Bell on long car trips and stuff, because it meant she got to actually order something other than french fries!

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