Blog Archives

Day 30.2: Suzie’s checkup

I just realized how funny it is that yesterday I got my blood work and everything done and today Suzie got hers (and some shots, which I thankfully did not have to do)!


Of course, she did great and everything is perfect. She’s a happy healthy doggie, I’m so lucky 🙂

When we got home from the vet, Suzie took a nap and I snacked on some peanuts.


I decided that since I already have the day off, I might as well run some errands today that I usually do on Saturdays. Which means grocery shopping time!

I ended up going to Meijer and Kroger because Meijer had some great sales going on and Kroger is just right down the street so I saved some gas.

I kind of chuckled a bit at Meijer because they played the “X Files” theme song and music from “A Nightmare on Elm Street.” I can’t believe tomorrow is Halloween, it really snuck up on me this year.

Anyway, I got all this stuff for $50!


Lots of new stuff to try this week, I can’t wait. Kept Josh’s stuff in the picture just for fun 😉 Don’t you love how I sat the ground beef on top of the tofu? Ha ha.

When I got everything put away, I was majorly hungry so I heated up my leftovers for lunch, which was the exact same meal I had for dinner last night.


I took Suzie for a short walk and checked the mail where I found this awesome package from my favorite vegan, Carrie 🙂


I m so excited to try some vegan-friendly beauty products, especially that soap because now I can stop using Josh’s. Oops!

I feel laundry dishes a nap coming on, so I’m going to sign off for now. Hoping to find somewhere good for Josh and me to have dinner tonight that won’t break the bank.

Don’t forget to enter my awesome coupon giveaway before next Friday!

Have an awesome Friday!

Day 22.2: In need of rest

For lunch today, I had leftover Vegan Red Beans & Rice, the last serving (sniff, sniff). I can’t wait to make this dish again and perhaps make some modifications (or perhaps get that Adobo seasoning)!


For my afternoon snack, I unintentionally had 2 tbsp peanut butter. It just sounded better than peanuts and it was already there 😉


I was scheduled to work out with Farrah today to do a short run and some weights but something came up on both our ends, so I decided to go home early and enjoy a night of relaxation 🙂

Self-realization #2 – I love to cook!

I have yet to make up my own recipes but I love trying out what others have created and sometimes putting my own twist on them. Especially when I have the time to just take it easy and prepare a good meal…there’s nothing quite like it.

Tonight, I tried another Happy Herbivore selection…Vegan Refried Bean Cakes!

I used just regular vegetarian refried beans and I substituted oats for the bread crumbs, like I did with the vegan meatloaf.


I also finished off the wine from Tuesday night while cooking, that’s a good way to relax too 🙂


And here are the little cakes when they came out of the oven.


I was really hungry by the time dinner was done, so I piled a few on my plate and went back for seconds later. I actually nibbled at the veggies before the cakes were done so there were more there originally 😉


There are still enough left for another serving or two, yay!

For dessert, I had some So Delicious peanut butter zig zag. It’s my favorite, officially.


I usually don’t eat dessert this much but thanks to my friends, I have a freezer full of So Delicious treats. I think they should just make a container of peanut butter So Delicious now that I think of it. Can they get on that?

I’ve been sitting on the couch most of the night and I think I will do a load of dishes and laundry before the Jeff Dunham show comes on, then after that hit the hay.

It was nice to take a day off from exercise. I love it and it is a big part of my life but sometimes we need a break.

I don’t want to overdo it and miss out on good workouts like my run yesterday. My hips are still kind of sore. But I should be good to go tomorrow!

And put my alarm clock across the room before I go to sleep! See how sneaky the dog is then…

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Good night!

Day 22: The dog did it!

I woke up at 6:30 again this morning, wondering what happened to the alarm I set for 5:45 and even tested out last night to make sure it was working?!

There can only be one explanation.


Who, me?

So I had this theory that the dog was sneaking over to the night stand and turning the alarm off. Because she can reach that far (without falling off the bed) and knows which button to push, right? Ha ha.

The truth is I must be so out of it that I am shutting off the alarm and not knowing it. The real test will be tonight when I sit the alarm on my dresser across the room, requiring me to get up to turn it off. It is very unlike me to oversleep this much. Normally, I am up before my alarm ever goes off!

I am most productive in the morning, so since I’ve had 45 minutes cut out of my routine most days this week, I haven’t had time for dishes, laundry, etc. so I’m going to have to work hard tonight to catch up.

I also had to bring another breakfast to work, but it was still pretty awesome.

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You just can’t go wrong with this combination. It’s the truth!

Thanks to everyone who has voted for me for the Sam-e Good Mood Blogger contest. I am starting to have some mixed feelings about it but I’m choosing to stay positive on the blog and just wanted to let you all know I appreciate you no matter what.

I hope everyone has a great Thursday! 🙂

Up with the dog

It never fails that when we have a late night out, the dog still decides to get up earlier than I would have even if I hadn’t been out all night! We got home around 2:30 this morning and Suzie thought it was time to go out at 7, even though I took her for a quick walk when we got home, ugh. But I love her…I mean, look how cute she is 🙂


Yeah, she’s taking a nap right now. I’m making coffee!

Updated to add: I feel like such a jerk for writing about how cute my dog is now that I’ve read of Meghann’s loss. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. My heart is breaking for her, I can’t imagine…

I ended up having breakfast for dinner last night because it as the only thing on my mind. I thought long and hard about veggies, hummus and other things I could make but nothing else would do.


Sometimes you just gotta go with what you are feeling! Plus some chocolate chips thrown in for good measure 😉

Last night, we went out to a small bar to see our friend Chad’s band and it was great. It took a medium coffee with skim milk to get me there but once it got going, I didn’t even notice how late it was. I also had a glass of Chardonnay while I was there. I’ve decided wine is the only thing I really like to drink, so when I want something and it is available, it’s great.

I wore more eye make up last night than I have in YEARS (if ever)…


Since I had my normal breakfast for dinner last night, I decided to switch it up for breakfast this morning. I made an omelet with 2 eggs and red pepper, mushrooms and green pepper, topped with 2% cheese and a squirt of organic ketchup. Two slices of whole wheat toast made this meal complete.


The coffee is done percolating…hope you all have a lovely Sunday!

p.s. It was probably totally wrong of me, but while I was grocery shopping yesterday I saw a box of Coffee Mate creamers and on the front of the box it says “0 grams of trans fat” but when you turn the box over, you see “Partially Hydrogenated Oil” high up on the ingredients list — which I knew already but I had never noticed the labeling on the front — I had a pen in my hand since I was checking things off my list and decided to write “lies” right on the front of the box. Crap like that drives me crazy…they are taking advantage of people.